Tomatos and Marigolds are companion crops. That means they are happier when planted together and will resist pests and disease. There is basil in there but the monster tomatoes went wild. Next year I will prune and stake them, but they do seem happy, don't they.
3 colors of beans in the trellis - purple, green and white. I think they are organic because I brought home the seeds from school.
These gigantic sunflowers are over 12 feet tall. My neighbor gave me about a dozen seeds from his plants last year that he saved and I was sad that most of them got eaten by snails when they were just coming up - only 4 made it - thank heaven! This is only 2 plants.
Just before dark I went out and quickly harvested these sungolds and zebra striped tomatoes. I have no idea what the light red ones are.
My pumpkin is about the size of a large medicine ball and there are 3 others just like it. I came home from Boston and found this and thought it was a watermelon, but as you can plainly see it is turning orange. I since found out that watermelon has lobed leaves.Most of the starts came from The Burton Valley garden so I didn't know what I was putting in, but this seems to be eggplant. I have no idea what to do with an eggplant. I have never bought one but I know they are supposed to be healthy.