June 14, 2010 MISSION CALL!!

Tonight we all gathered for the opening of Scott's mission call - SOUTH AFRICA, DURBAN
I thought he was going to Arkansas because the Stevensons pulled this huge prank on me and on Friday Dave told me "Congratulations on Arkansas" and I believed him - then they even went so far as to forge a letter that Scott strategically left on our kitchen table 3 days later that said he had been called to Arkansas. Scott waited 5 WHOLE DAYS to open it - went up to the temple by himself tonight - what a great idea! Then he came home and we all gathered at 10:00 pm and he read it to us - Cade, Morgan, me, Jim, Gregor, Syd, The Stevenson family, Tanner and Danny and Kevin some girls from the singles ward and Kelly Holt. It was all good.